Appeal Hearing Federal Court of NSW, Court Room 20B, September 10, 2008, at 10:15am Contact for ‘Serbs for Justice’: Ilija Glisic mobile 0422 054 468 PRESS RELEASE 10th September 2008 The third and last day of Daniel Snedden’s Section 21 application will be heard today in the...
Као што је раније најављено прошле среде и четвртка одржан је дуго очекивани претрес о изручењу Капетана Драгана у Хрватску. Капетанова одбрана је у својим исказима...
John Howard’s Legacy Lingers The first day of Daniel Snedden’s Section 21 application was heard today in the Federal Court in Sydney. Several...
“A Federal Court appeal against the order to extradite Daniel Snedden is expected to be heard in about September or October this year by Justice Cowdroy . “The grounds for the appeal include an argument that Daniel would be unlikely to be tried without prejudice in Croatia and a constitutional...
Lobi Organizacija Srbi za Istinu i Pravdu Australija u poşlednjh 6 meseci intenzivno radi sa advokatima na priprimanju materijala za Federalni sud Australije. Srpska zajednica u Australiji veċ treċu godinu neumorno radi na odbarani Kapetana Dragana a braneċi Dragana brane u isto vreme ugled i dostojanstvo...
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP Prime Minister Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600 Dear Mr Rudd, We, Australians of Serbian background are voicing our disapproval and expressing our concern for Australia being one of the countries to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Kosovo secession represents a violent,...
On 19 January 2006 Daniel Snedden was arrested and imprisoned at the discretion of the Minister(s)of the former Howard government who received an extradition request from Croatia for his questioning for alleged ‘war crimes’. It is important to note, that as a former belligerent country, Croatia...