Prosecuted for investigating war crimes

The Croatian Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko and the Municipal Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb filed criminal charges against a Croatian journalist, Domagoj Margetic, for publishing a dossier on the liquidation of 611 Serbs in Sisak. The journalist maintains that Karamarko deliberately concealed this massive war crime

Margetić explains to the Kurir that  the charge against him is for disclosing state and military secrets and espionage, because the Croatian security agency had declared the “dossier Sisak” a confidential document. He further adds that this is a matter for investigation of war crimes committed by the special police units of the MUP[1] during the 1991  and 1992, when 611 persons were liquidated,  mostly Serbian civilians from the wider area of Sisak.
– Not only did I publish the names of the victims, but I also made public who gave the orders and who were those who carried them out. In this way I disclosed that the intelligence information implicated the then war time Prime Minister Franjo Greguric and Djuro Brodarac the mayor of Sisak-Moslavic district who was the former war time chief of the police in Sisak. This is one of the reasons for silence about this crime. An additional reason is that the 80 percent of units that committed the crime are from the so-called Handzar Division mobilized through the  Meshihat[2] of the  Islamic community in Zagreb. It is interesting, Margetić explains,  that one of the people responsible for mobilising the Handzar Division  is Osman Muftic, the father-in-law of the police minister, Tomislav Karamarko.

He says that the Serb community in Croatia two years ago filed a criminal charge for these crimes and demanded an investigation, just as the ICTY did, but that no one dared to process it.
– The Regional State Prosecutor’s Office in Sisak then moved to investigate the charges seeking the cooperation of MUP and Secret Service, which was then led by Karamarko. After a month, a report was  issued to the effect that there is no evidence for the crimes and, hence the County Prosecutor’s Office rejected the charge! The problem is that I have now proved that Karamarko covered up the war crime – said Margetić, who expects an  indictment within a few days.

f[1] An acronym for (in Croatian) “Ministratstvo Unutrasnjih Poslova” – the Ministry of Internal Affairs

f[2] Meshihat is an executive body  of an Islamic  Community Assembly and is responsible for its religious and spiritual activities.





Hrvatski novinar Domagoj Margetić, protiv koga su ministar policije Hrvatske Tomislav Karamarko i Opštinsko tužilaštvo u Zagrebu podneli krivične prijave zbog objavljivanja dosijea o likvidaciji 611 Srba u Sisku, ostaje pri tvrdnji da je Karamarko prikrio taj masovni ratni zločin!

Margetić objašnjava za Kurir da ga terete za odavanje državne i vojne tajne i špijunažu, pošto je „dosije Sisak“ Hrvatska bezbednosna agencija proglasila za poverljiv dokument. On dodaje da je reč o istrazi za ratne zločine tokom 1991. i 1992. koje su počinile specijalne jedinice MUP, kad je ubijeno 611 pretežno srpskih civila na širem području Siska.
– Ne samo što sam objavio imena žrtava, već sam obelodanio i ko si bili nalogodavci i počinioci. Time sam otkrio da podaci obaveštajne službe sežu čak do ratnog premijera Franje Gregurića, ratnog načelnika policije u Sisku, i kasnijeg sisačko-moslavičkog župana Đure Brodarca, i to je jedan od razloga zašto se o ovom zločinu ćuti. Dodatni razlog je i to što je 80 odsto pripadnika jedinice koja je počinila taj zločin iz takozvane Handžar divizije mobilisano preko Mešihata islamske zajednice u Zagrebu. Zanimljivo je da je jedan od ljudi koji su ih mobilisali i Osman Muftić, tast ministra policije Tomislava Karamarka – pojašnjava Margetić.

On kaže da je zajednica Srba u Hrvatskoj pre dve godine podnela krivičnu prijavu za te zločine i zahtevala istragu, baš kao i Haški tribunal, ali da to niko nije smeo da procesuira.
– Županijsko državno tužilaštvo u Sisku tada kreće u istragu i traži saradnju MUP i Sigurnosno-obaveštajne službe, koju je tada vodio Karamarko. Posle mesec dana, šalju izveštaj da za te zločine nema dokaza, pa Županijsko tužilaštvo odbacuje prijavu! Problem je što sam sada dokazao da je Karamarko prikrivao ratni zločin – kaže Margetić, koji podizanje optužnice očekuje kroz nekoliko dana. 

Kurir 15.11.2009

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